Friday, April 22, 2011


well I pretty much locked myself out of my own blog..forgot my password, got a new one and then it was telling me i had to change something to do with cookies..I just gave up and hoped that message would go away..and it did!!  So Im back!

I am on day 4 of stimming, only 7 more to go. I get a blood test in 6 days and an ultrasound in 7..Hopefully my follies will be big enough to stop stims and trigger and egg pick up on Monday 2nd. I really hope theres a bunch of great follies full of super eggs this time!

DH and I celebrated our first anniversary last week. We had a bbq with 16 friends and was a really good night. I told a couple of friends we were doing IVF and they were really supportive and interested in how, when and Im really excited to tell them we are pregnant in a couple of weeks!. Some days i feel so sure this will work, other days I feel resigned to it being DH and I with no kids ever..


Lindsey said...

Welcome back! I wondered where you went. Congrats on the anniversary and the stims!! Can't wait to hear how things progress.

Kim said...

Congrats on your 1 year anniversary- I cant believe its been a year already! And I can't believe you are half way through stims! Yowzer! What a nice anniversary gift this will be if it works! Wishing the best for you.